Ask Us Sunday: Resin Molds   Leave a comment

Q: What makes for good molds? Are there specific resin molds or can you use pretty much anything?

A: Yes, there are specific resin molds. You cannot use pretty much anything. Be careful, though. There are premade molds out there, but you have to make sure they are for resin. Resin generates a lot of heat as it cures, and typical soap molds will melt from the heat and be destroyed. We’ve also found out that some homemade resin molds that were vaccuformed can’t stand the heat from polyester, as polyester cures at a higher temperature than epoxy.

If you have something specific you want a mold of, you can try making a mold yourself. 90% of the molds we use are from homemade molds, rather than preexisting ones.

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